Thursday, March 17, 2011

Things on Thursday: Loyalty

The tragedy in Japan is enormous, overwhelming, and so deeply sad. With all the horrifying images coming out of Japan, the growing numbers of casualties, and the scary impact of the earthquake on the nuclear reactors, it's helpful to realize that there are stories of rescue and recovery, miracles of kindness and compassion amidst the tragedy.

This story touched my heart and I wanted to share it as our Thing for Thursday. Definitely click on the Show More to get the full story of what happens to these two dogs, and please watch all the way to the end.

Many thanks to my friend Carrie for sharing this on her FB status.


  1. Poor, confused animals. So very glad that they were rescued. Their world was turned upside down in a very short time and with food being so desperately short in North Japan just now I wonder how many more poor animals there are to be rescued.
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention Susan.

  2. Thanks for sharing Susan. It is so touching.


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