Thursday, November 18, 2010

Things on Thursday: Harry Potter

Harry Potter. It's an obsession really.

And George is taking me to see the new movie for my birthday. Isn't he just the best?

Thank you, J.K. Rowling.

1 comment:

  1. One of our family's favourite shows is MasterChef Australia. Fortunately it is on during summer in Canada otherwise we would never keep up as we don't watch anything during the week when it is term time. We become quite obsessed, making one prediction after another and patting ourselves on the back when we recognize a technique we already know or name an ingredient someone missed. I think the standard of cooking around our house rises during MasterChef season also.
    Currently it is the off season and they are running a shorter competition for children: Junior MasterChef Australia; we are addicted to that one too. The kids are very impressive and some are pretty cute too.


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