Monday, October 1, 2012

Gratitude Journal #156

Today, I am grateful for a beautiful fall weekend. The leaves around our home are starting to change, and sitting on the deck watching them move in the breeze and flutter to the ground while goldfinches and blue jays flitted about was such a blessing!

Today, I am grateful for steak tacos and guacamole, and grilled turkey and roasted spicy sweet potatoes, and the man who prepared them.

Today, I am grateful for healing. I have my energy levels back and the headaches are mostly tolerable now. Five weeks is a long time to be sick.

Today, I am grateful for another healing. Our dove flew away, apparently fully recovered.

Today, I am grateful for a new week. May it be normal and ordinary in every good way!

What are you grateful for today?


  1. So glad to hear you are feeling better and the dove flew away!!

    Today I'm grateful for our simply amazing Fall weather and the leaves that are slowly changing colour. I'm also thankful for my cold getting better and the wonderful family I have been blessed with.

  2. Susan, I'm glad you are feeling better. Take care.

  3. Susan~am happy you are feeling much better. It's a beautiful fall here too. Am grateful today that it looks like my DD's new townhouse purchase will close this week and she'll move out! ;)

  4. Today I am grateful for a wonderful workout last night. My muscles feel used today; but not too sore. I am ever so grateful for a husband that believes in the importance of a strong body. He encourages me and we workout so well together.

    I am grateful for rain this morning; we really need it.

    Thank you for taking care of your dove; I think they are just lovely and the way they coo makes me smile every time.


Thanks so much for taking time to comment!