Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More Jack-Speak

A brief introduction to the Jack lexicon.... Thomas refers to Thomas the Tank Engine. Blue Fish Museum refers to the Newport Aquarium. Ben 10 refers to a Cartoon Network show. Also, our family must spell the word walk because the dog knows the word and immediately starts freaking out when he hears it. For background on Jack's language issues and autism, see this post.

Jack [daily, months before his birthday]: For my birthday, I want a Thomas cake and lots of presents and a big Pokeball and a Thomas bed and to go to the Blue Fish Museum.

Jack [very serious]: Mommy, you are not going to turn into a snake. Okay?
Me: Okay.
Jack: Promise?
Me: Yes.

Jack [looking at the newspaper]: Why don’t those people have color?

Jack [daily, months before his birthday]: Mommy, am I going to the Blue Fish Museum for my birthday?
Me: Yes, Jack.
Jack [joyous]: Thank you, Mommy. I love you so much!

George went into the bathroom to check on Jack, who was in the tub. Jack had his pitcher ready to pour rinse-water over his head.
George: Would you like me to pour that on your noggin?
Jack: No. [Pause.] I’d like to be alone with my bath now. Go watch your movie, and I’ll be there in a minute. Okay?
George: Okay.

Jack [daily, weeks before his birthday]: For my birthday, I want a Thomas cake and lots of presents and a big Pokeball and a Thomas bed and to go to the Blue Fish Museum.

Jack [pitiful voice]: Mom, it’s not dark outside.
Me [perky voice]: No, it’s light out. It’s morning.
Jack [more pitiful voice]: I don’t WANT it to be light outside.
Nick [helpfully professorial]: It’s summer, Jack. The sun comes up earlier.
Jack: Noooooo!

Jack [daily, weeks before his birthday]: Mommy, am I going to the Blue Fish Museum for my birthday?
Me: Yes, Jack.
Jack [joyous]: Thank you, Mommy. I love you so much!

Jack [in trouble and forced by the Evil Mom Lady to go to bed 15 minutes early]: I don’t want to go to bed. I want to LIVE!!!!!

Family out on a walk around the neighborhood.
Jack: I’m taking these pine cones home.
George: No, you’re not.
Jack [rebellious]: Yes, I AM!!
Me and George [incredulous]: WHAT?
Jack [cute, sing-song voice]: Never mind.

Jack: Are you pouring your wine?
Me: Yes.
Jack: Mommy, do little boys drink wine?
Me: No. But you can smell it if you’d like.
Jack: Um, sure. [sniffs wine] Mmm. That smells good.
Me [incredulous]: Really?
Jack [very matter-of-fact]: Yes. I smell strawberries.
George [picking up his own glass and sniffing]: I get strawberries, too. Very impressive.

Jack: Mommy, do you promise you won’t turn into a snake and eat me.
Me: I promise, Jack.
Jack: Do things want to eat me?
Me: No, nothing here wants to eat you. Why?
Jack: Because I don’t want you to turn into a snake.

At Kroger a week before his birthday, Jack sees a Ben 10 cake and enters a frenzy of joy.
Jack: Mommy, I want a Ben 10 cake for my birthday!
Me: Don’t you want a Thomas cake like always? You love Thomas.
Jack: No, I definitely want a Ben 10 cake. It’s unusual for me.

George: Boys, we are taking Hoover for a W-A-L-K in ten minutes. Get your shoes on.
Jack: I don’t want to go!
George: This isn’t a choice. We’re going. Period.
Jack [angry]: I don’t like any periods. I hate periods!
Me: I hate periods, too! But we’re going on a W-A-L-K anyway.

Jack [twenty times the day before his birthday]: Mommy, am I going to the Blue Fish Museum for my birthday?
Me: Yes, Jack.
Jack [joyous]: Thank you, Mommy. I love you so much!

Jack [on the morning of his birthday]: Mommy, am I going to the Blue Fish Museum for my birthday?
Me: Yes, Jack.
Jack [joyous]: Thank you, Mommy. I love you so much!

Jack [from the back seat of the car on the way to the Blue Fish Museum]: Mommy, where are we going?
Me: The Blue Fish Museum.
Jack [astounded]: Really, Mommy? Oh, thank you. I love you so much! I am so HAPPY!


  1. I L-O-V-E these little tidbits of Jack-Speak. He is such an imaginative child. Thank you for sharing his language with us. I enjoy listening to him speak.
    P.S. I loved his picture from yesterday. He is such a lovely child and has the most beautiful, expressive eyes. You should be so proud of this little guy.

    Marilyn in Texas

  2. I thought on the way to the museum he was going to say he didn't want to go there after all--he wanted to LIVE.

  3. Still laughing over the one about having to go to bed early!


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