Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Word for 2010

Last year’s word was Fearless, and in many ways, it worked for me, especially in the area of stamping. If you’re at all curious about that or want to know how a word can change your life, you can read all about Fearless here.

My word for 2010 is Write. As in,

*Write my book.

*Write notes in cards and mail them to family and friends.

*Write my blogs.

*Write on scrapbook pages.

*Write because I want to write, because it’s fun, because I feel compelled to write from inside myself and not because I have to please somebody else.

What is your word for the year? If you need ideas, check out Ali Edward's post here. Once you choose a word, please share it in the comments because you just never know when your word might resonate with someone else and help them bring focus to 2010. I'll compile a list of everyone's words and post it next week.

Happy choosing!


  1. Wow, you have accomplished so much on your art blog. I'm impressed!

    I think my word for 2010 should be "Discipline." When I became an expat, my life was thoroughly de-constructed. The formlessness of it was alarming at first and then liberating. I tend to resist too much scheduling but I think I need more structure in my days to help me better manage my work as a writer, artist, mom, and middle-aged person who needs MORE exercise.

  2. LESS

    (spending, stuff, eating, worrying what people think, etc.)

    Thanks! :)

  3. JUMP!

    JUMP in and start.
    JUMP in and do.
    JUMP in and create.
    JUMP in and enjoy!!

    marty ferraro

  4. I think my word should be USE yes USE I have to USE what I have in my craft area. Not go out and buy new stuff just because I am running low or I just because I dont have it.

    I have to USE what I have and try different ways of USING it. I have slightly more important things to spend my money on so I have to USE what I have before buying more.

    So sum it up USE USE USE is my word for the year.

  5. Sufficient.

    So many reasons.
    ~My best is sufficient. Better than my best is unnecessary.
    ~Being human is sufficient. My mama didn't give birth to Wonder Woman.
    ~A card is sufficient. Each does not have to be a masterpiece.
    ~Scrapbooking is sufficient. Making every page publication-worthy stalls the process.
    ~Being a wife and mother is sufficient. Being a teacher is secondary (for a change).

  6. Now THAT is a fabulous word! I love writing in all forms.

    Still don't have my word yet...

  7. My word is CHANGE. As I read others' words I think mine is too broad. But I am leaving it because everything I need and want to do requires 'change'.

  8. Flourish

    I love this word because I want my family, marriage and self to flourish in 2010. Not just grow and succeed, but to "grow luxuriantly". And, I just loved the other meaning; as stampers, we all need a little flourish, don't ya think??

  9. Commit. Whatever it becomes.

  10. ~BREATHE~ breathe to remain calm; breathe for better health; breathe in the smells of the earth and connect; breathe and appreciate the power of life and thought.

  11. My word up to now has been 'Hope'. Now that I've thought about it, the word 'Center' has surfaced--center myself before I make a comment, before I make a decision, before I get up in the morning, before I go to bed, before I begin an art project...

    Thank you for this challenge!!

  12. I'm thinking my word should be PLAY,2009 was such a stressful year and I don't recall any fun times. I need to spend less time stressing and more time just playing. Whether it is art related,playing games with my family,playing with the dog in the yard-what ever,just have some fun for a change.

  13. My word is PURGE. I want to purge crafting supplies, closet clutter, magazines, pantry contents, etc.

  14. My word is difference. I want to make a difference to people and in turn they will make a diffence in some else's life. It doesn't have to be big-food to someone who is unable to cook for themselves, a card when someone needs lifting up, distribute food from our church food pantry, just make a difference in someone's life no matter how small or large.

  15. EXPLORE. I need to explore my personal creativity more and not just try to CASE an idea because it is easier & time is short and I have to get 10 swap cards done -- etc. I need to explore and show more of my own creativity.

  16. FOCUS!

    I have been very blurry in all aspects for so long that I think focus is a very good word for me.
    ~Always be happy!

  17. My word is Commitment. But I have yet to settle on the particulars of it since it simply jumped into my head when I first read your suggestion that we choose a word for the year. I think that might have been on your Simplicity Blog. I tend to think "the Holy Spirit did it to me," when words jump into my head unannounced, so I'm awaiting "future orders", so to speak, because I know for sure I am to commit to doing something specific. What is it? I can hardly wait to find out!

    Thanks for the challenge, Susan

    I need to de clutter my craft, home, life etc!!! Then I will become more organised, less stressed and calm.

  19. I think my word may be FREE. I want to free myself of crazy expectations I put on myself about how I do my mom, wife and paying jobs. I want to free myself limitations in terms of creating. I want to free myself from some extra weight. I want to free myself and family from financial burdens. Finally, I want to free myself from clutter. That's a lot, but I will be happy if I make small improvements.

  20. My word is "renaissance"-I'm reconnecting with those creative instincts that I've had all of my life but never had the opportunity to develop and validate. Going back to school part-time at my local community college in art & design has been an empowering experience!

  21. I have found this really difficult because there are several words that would suit but I am going with RESIST.
    Sounds funny I know but I need to ....
    RESIST ~ eating too much and gaining more pounds!!

    RESIST ~ being negative about me, my abilities and about others

    RESIST ~ buying more 'stuff' (even stamps!!!) when I have plenty

    RESIST ~ lame excuses for not going to the gym

    RESIST ~ being too busy to enjoy the good fortune that I have

  22. My word is BLESS
    As in how many blessings I have and also how I can 'bless' the lives of others.


Thanks so much for taking time to comment!