Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Happiness Is...

Post edited for clarity.

Thanks, Mom, for this happy mug!

What is your happiness...right now, in this moment? Don't overthink, or get all pedantic or moralistic just keep it simple and basic. What are a few little things that have made you happy today?
Birds singing out my window.
  • The colors of spring.
  • A warm puppy chin resting on my knee.
  • Nick telling me that my driving him to school is important to him.
Your turn!


  1. Awww...what fun that mug is! Lucky you, having a mom. And what a bonus when mom gives fun presents! The older I get, the less it takes to make me happy. Got out of bed this morning and all of my parts worked...its a great day!

  2. Oops - was that moralistic or pedantic?

  3. My mother not only smiled but laughed out loud today. Sweetest sound ever and I'll be doing my happy dance all week long now. She's 86 and I'm her full time caretaker.

  4. My dog Annie, snoring at her "desk" in my office at work.
    Peppermint tea for Peet's, which is the best.
    Bowl full of almonds and dried apricots.


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