Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sunrise, Sunset

I have always been fond of sunsets. A college friend once told me he thought sunsets were depressing and morbid. Rather than signifying death or endings for me, sunsets signify rest, peace, relief, starlight, and moonshine. The light of stars and planets helps me put my problems into healthy perspective, and sunset is, therefore, a magical transition to peace and comfort.

Watching the sun set last night on Lake Vermilion definitely filled me with peace.

Watching the sun rise this morning, with fresh sunlight sparkling on the surface of the water filled me with hope for another beautiful day on the lake. There is so much potential for fun. George rented a boat to tour around Vermilion and also do some tubing for Nick. The resort owners are putting a large waterslide in the water, which will make Jack happy.

Sunrise, sunset. They give us a rhythm to our lives, a healthy pattern of movement and rest, light and dark.

They are a gift from God, part of His creation, and a blessing.

Thanks be to God.

1 comment:

  1. Sooo agree Susan - look forward to the sunrise each morning -


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