Monday, January 23, 2012

Gratitude Journal #122

Today, I am grateful that George had a good and safe trip to Saudi Arabia and that I have my personal chef back in residence.

Today, I am grateful for cold medicine.

Today, I am grateful George's jet lag caused him to awaken early so he heard my alarm clock when I did not.

Today, I am grateful for Sabbath rest, prayers, and nice people.

Today, I am grateful for space.

What are you grateful for today?


  1. A caring husband.
    All of my craft goodies.
    The opportunity to learn new things (I'm going to my first quilting class today.)
    Hands that work.
    Legs that work.
    Living in America.

  2. Oh my, moving and a husband halfway around the world. No wonder you were feeling some stress!

    Today I am grateful for a wonderful day with my daughter on Saturday and great memories relived. We are in the process of sorting out 3o years of family pictures. We're about three quarters of the way through the project. We both enjoyed the trip down memory lane.

    I am very grateful that my husband and I can carpool to work. The 45 minute drive in the morning allows me a wonderful nap and we have great conversation on the way home. And we save hundreds of dollars every month on fuel.

    And last, I am grateful for good friends. Dinner last night with 4 women all in their mid fifties; puts all of our lives in perspective.

  3. Glad he made it back safe and sound :) My hubby is the main chef as well and our family suffers greatly in the meal department when he is away!

    I'm grateful for the dawning of a new decade in my life; for a time of reflection on God's faithfulness to me and my family in the decade past; a sharpening of my time line focus (in a good way) which allowed me to reflect on what I want to accomplish in the next ten years, what legacy I want to build and sheer joy of my life verse Phil 1:6.

  4. Grateful for friends who know even when you say things are fine, really know it's not and give you a hug.

    Friends who can talk to your daughter about the divorce and how it's not a easy to resolve as she would like it to be.

    Grateful for friends who are just there to listen.

    Grateful for things to clean which helps reduce my stress and keeps my mind focused.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Am grateful my grandkids still need Grammy (me) to pick them up from school! Am also grateful for you Susan, sharing your thoughts, your artistic talent, your new house, and your faith.


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