Friday, April 8, 2011

Words, Words, Words from a Genius

Source: Pinterest


  1. Whew...I totally KNEW I was smarter than I look! Hugs!

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  4. Great quote! My kids went to a school where they taught the parents (we all had to volunteer in the classroom every week)to go with the child's interest and strengths. I can't tell you what an eye opening that was for me. I work with one little girl who "had" to build everything in 3D. Drawing was not her thing but she could make a DNA model and be able to explain it. She did almost all her school work that way. We did work with her on how to do school work in a more traditional way since she would have to go to high school and college. Another boy was reading at the high school level at the age of 4. Again we worked with his love of the written word and still keep him on track learning social skills. So having worked with tons of "fish" in my life, if you can engage them in what they love, you can teach them anything - even to be able to climb a tree.

  5. Sorry, once I get going I blather, please just ignore my ramblings. Thank you very much though for the information about Pinterest :0) xx

  6. I want this quote on my wall.
    The thought just entered my mind (as I just got done posting on the "word for the year" post), that maybe I'm judging my skills as a fish who can't climb trees. Maybe I need to start judging myself in a different way!


Thanks so much for taking time to comment!