Monday, April 21, 2014

Gratitude Journal #233

Today, I am grateful for spending last week with my mom, niece, and nephew. We had a wonderful--if too short--visit that included a trip to the Cincinnati Zoo.

Spring in Ohio

Mother and Baby, chillaxing until...

the big, bad silverback chased them off. If that had
coming running at me, I'd have skedaddled, too.

More gorgeous color...and the smell, divine!

My Mom and Rory on the train.

Mac, Nick, and Jack strutting down the lane.

Today, I am grateful for safe travels.

Today, I am grateful for Holy Week, and for the continuation of the Easter victory through all time.

Today, I am grateful for spring, with its glorious color, the sounds of birds and frogs and insects, the warmth and sunshine. It was a long, cold winter.

Today, I am grateful for my sister-in-law Angela and her husband Mike, who are making it possible for me to begin plans to attend the Stephen Ministry Leadership Training Course in Pittsburg this August. I thought it would be a few more years before I could take this step, but Angela insisted that this was my year. Thank you, Angela!

Today, I am grateful for my husband, who introduced me to the delights of leg of lamb yesterday. Yum.

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Grateful my dear grandson is recovering from severe head trauma after a bike accident yesterday. It will take time to heal but no surgery needed. Any good thoughts and prayers would be welcome. Thank you Susan and fellow blog readers.

    1. Will definitely pray for your grandson as he recovers, Jeanne. Please let us know ho w he's doing.


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