Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Beginning Is Near!

This picture appeared on Pinterest and completely grabbed my attention.

Of course, I've written before about End Times and how silly it is to try to predict them. The Bible tells us in no uncertain terms that the time of the End will be...uncertain, unpredictable, a big fat surprise to everyone. Science hasn't much to say on the matter either. Our sun will go super-nova eventually, billions of years from now, which shouldn't really concern any of us. An asteroid might hit and wipe out life as we know it, and just maybe we'll get a heads-up about it from astronomers. We cannot, however, control the sky falling.

Henny Penny really is the silliest nursery-story character in the world, and who wants to act like her?

Of course, there may or may not be a conspiracy, headed by Elvis, to wipe out the human race using cell phones, that yummy roasted asparagus recipe from Pinterest, and genetically-modified golden retrievers controlled by the same code that Palpatine used to turn the Clones against the Jedi.

But I'm not holding my breath.

Beginnings, however, can be quite easy to predict and even sometimes to control. Graduations, weddings, new babies, new jobs, new puppies, new houses, new books, new craft supplies...starting something new in life is exciting (and occasionally quite terrifying).

Our new beginning--which isn't just near but is here--includes a new house and a new contract on the old house. We have a new patio and newly bulldozed earth, grass seed, and straw in our back yard; all our old furniture in its new setting; and a new basketball hoop.

Assuming all our straw and grass seed don't blow away in April winds, we'll soon celebrate a giant new yard upon which Daisy will pee and poop to her heart's content.

And speaking of Daisy, several of you have asked how the Furry Golden Sunshine is doing in her new digs. She's adjusting well and has fully recovered from her knee surgeries.

The first few weeks in the new house, she was completely freaked out by the noise of the ice maker in our new fridge, but she ignores it now. She loves finding sunbeams through the undressed windows and basking in the spring sun's glow. She loves looking out the low windows and off the deck at the birds and neighborhood dogs and people. She loves tearing around the basement like happiness on speed. She loves killing her indestructible blue chew toys and trying to bite my hands when I brush her ridiculously furry butt.

Basically, her life is good.

And so is ours.

It's humbling in this crazy, chaotic, uncertain world to be as blessed as we are right now, and a little terrifying. You see, I've read Boethius and know that fortune's wheel keeps spinning, and I've listened to Jimmy Buffett sing about just wanting to live happily ever after every now and then. Bad things happen, but they are worse when we go looking for them and they are the worst when we cower in anticipation of them and allow that fear to take away from the wonderfulness of life in the here and now. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.

What beginning is near for you? How are you using your spirit of power and love and sound mind to embrace that beginning and let go of whatever end it's replacing?


  1. Our two-month trip to Washington is nearly here and I am trying to begin preparations. I am excited about it but my Johnnie doesn't hold my enthusiasm He will be a good trooper and follow allow along, though. The two-month stay will allow us to escape some of the midwest heat and replace it with rain, cooler temps and gorgeous scenery. Oh, yes, and precious time with my family. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to seeing my Grandson. Love that boy so much. Having rental properties does require some rearranging and thinking ahead and hiring extra people. We also had an security system installed in our home (which I've wanted for a while anyway) and this weekend John's daughter and her crew are coming from Chicago to help us get our yard in order. All I have to do is feed them. I have my ironing done and stacks of clothes on the guest bed to go into a suitcase. All winter clothing has been bagged up and placed in bins in the basement. Kitchen project SO, SO done. I want to get our carpet cleaned before we leave and the two people that will be checking on our home and taking in the mail need to come for a lesson on how to use the alarm system. The cool thing about it is that I have an app on my iPhone that allows me to arm or disarm the system from anywhere in the US where I can get a cell signal. We are driving (probably already told you that) and I always look forward to a road trip with my honey. Yesterday I ordered updated maps for our GPS. We're going up through North Dakota because I've never been that route. Sorry for the length of this.

  2. I wake up everyday and say to myself this is a new day and a new beginning. I work hard not to let all the negatives in my life start my day.
    Look forward to the simple things, a warm shower, picking up Annie at the sitters, getting to work so Annie can run and I can walk down to get my mocha. Add "new beginnings" to my burning wishes I do every morning.

  3. Love this, Susan! I am turning 40 on Sunday and rather than look upon it as the end of an era (as many are want to do?) I am excited about the future. Recently, I have been systematically de-cluttering my life of both the emotional and material kind of clutter. Positive thinking is definately the key!

  4. Sue, congratulations on your trip...may you and John be safe and have wonderful experiences together!

    Lisa, each and every day is a new beginning, and I just love your attitude.

    Mim, forty was my favorite birthday, until I turned 41. Then 42. You get the picture. My 40s are the best decade yet, and they are only half-over! Welcome to a wonderful time of life!

  5. I don't know what to comment on first! I'll start with Daisy. I'm glad she's settled in. I'm more and more convinced that she and Coco are twins - Coco can destroy the indestructible toys also, and she bites my hand as I try to groom her.

    I like your description of the benefits of undressed windows. We have undressed windows that my dog and my children enjoy totally. I'm enjoying the concept of blocking the Summer sun one day.

    What new beginning is near for me? I'm not sure. But I DO treat each day as a new beginning, an opportunity to do better than the day before.

    And to Mim, I loved 40. 40 was even better than 30. And my 40s are going well so far and I have faith they'll get better. :-)

  6. My DH and I have just returned from a glorious (actually sunny) week to the state of WA to see my DD and SIL. Went to Skagit Valley to see the tulip and daffodil fields. Oh my. No words can describe the miles and miles of beauty.

    Now we're beginning the countdown when we leave "warm" FL for the cooler, greener climes of the mountains of NC for the summer.

    So, life is good!!

  7. Loved that post!! After my divorce 12 years ago, I spent a lot of time looking backwards but I slowly learned the hard-to-learn lesson of living in the moment and now I'm able to look at each day as a new beginning. One of my favourite beginnings each year is spring - I never tire of seeing my garden beginning its new life after dying off the previous fall. I do look forward to upcoming special things (such as a trip to France in September) but not at the expense of staying with the present moment.


Thanks so much for taking time to comment!