Friday, May 21, 2010

Words, Words, Words on Peace

"First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others."
Thomas a Kempis

"Peace has to be created, in order to be maintained." Dorothy Thompson

Keeping or creating peace is active, not passive. Life's craziness is pretty much unavoidable, so you have to change your attitude toward it to find peace. If you're finding things in your life to be a bit crazy, stop and ask yourself, "How can I have peace right now?" The answer may be ten deep breaths, prayer, a moment behind a closed door, or promising yourself a moment behind a closed door when you can get it. But it's even better if you wake up and plan moments of peace into your day. That plan can sustain you through chaos.

Chocolate helps, too.

This morning I planned a fifteen minute break for a frappuccino and a little blogging at Barnes and Noble's Cafe. Here I am, at my cute red Gateway mini-laptop, frap by my side, blogging, after running three errands with two more to go, experiencing peace. It's a good day. How I wish I was so organized every day!

How do you plan for peace?


  1. good morning, susan.
    i am trying to be more committed to walking every day that i am not working. i find that i am able to relax, contemplate whatever is jumping around in my mind, admire flowers and yards, enjoy my spectacular mtns, and get some much needed exercise. all at the same time! very peaceful.
    hope you have a great weekend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Like Marty, my walking routine gives me great inner peace. I usually walk on the pathway along the Hudson River as the sun is setting. If the sunset is striking, I'll sit on a bench and just let my mind wander as the sun sets and the wind blows off the river. It's a good way to let go of the day's stress.

    Ice cream helps, too, but I try to limit that to the days that are the worst at work. Being thin makes me happier than eating ice cream, but some days I forget that.

  4. ..extremely well said, Susan! I try to take a few minutes in the morning to reflect on the day ahead before I get out of bed. The walk to school is also really beneficial - as is the way back home again, without the kids!


Thanks so much for taking time to comment!